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by (5,796 points)

The Greenhorn Arena can be faced at any level possible on Mainland (even level 6 can attempt this challenge) but what would be the better gear and skill that characters on level 8 should have if the want to try out the Greenhorn Arena? Please, try to consider all vocations on your answer, if possible.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
Knight - Skill 80/80

Paladin - Skill 80/60

Mages - ML 50+

With Mages and Knight can use 5 Closed Traps to put in floor and lure the creatures to walk on it.
by (77 points)
About equipments: probably the bests unlimited level that increases armor. But i think a level 8 easily could get a head shot.
by (146 points)
I don't think skills for knight matter, as with 185hp you can't get close to 10th and 9th boss because they can headshot you. As a knight you're left with trap tactic and maybe shooting Lightest Magic Missile Runes.
+1 vote
by (37 points)
Man i think is better make that arena with lvl 15.

Paladin 80/70

Knight 80/80

Mages 40+

Because at lvl 8 all vocations have low hp and can die with the final boss
by (5,796 points)
I remember about a really old video of a level 13 or 15 doing it with a druid with terra strike spell and closed traps... Maybe something along this line would be good, wouldn't? I can't find this video or remember correct all the procedures
+1 vote
by (355 points)
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Best answer

Your damage and healing abilities are also based on your level.
Not to mention your healthpoins and mana.

At level 6 you're not able to use exura as it's a level 8 spell.
You have 175 health, 80 mana, 450oz cap naked and a very low walking speed.

At level 8 things change a bit, you have a little bit more of each, hp, mana and cap.
You'll be able to use some exori mins and other min spells.
But still, the level of the character is the most important factor on the equasion that defines the amount of damage dealt or healed.
The formulae can be checked here (https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Formulae).
You could have magic level 150 and you would still not make it.

I can tell you that you may attempt at any magic level or skill, but at level 8(or 6) it's unlikely you'll succeed if you want to rely on the characters ability, due the lack of damage/healing and capacity to carry resources.
If you could carry as much as you could buy you might have a better chance.

Of course, the trick here is to carry around as many mana potions and traps, as well as a demon shield and find the balance between mana potions and traps.
The traps will do the damage, not you, you'll focus on not dieing.
Boots of haste, time ring and energy rings are a must.
Then what you'll do is lay the traps and let the traps deal the damage instead.
Oh yeah, run, RUN.

It can be done with any character on any level, but at level 6 or 8 it's very unlikely you'll succeed if you want the character to deal the damage.
