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I'm re-starting to play the game, i stopped playing 10+ years ago and i want to play again, i havent had a knight as a premium before and i wanted yo know what skills do You recommend and where can i go hunting. I'm currently a lvl 30 knight with 65/65 skills and i've been lvling in nomad cave/ laguna island/ terramites.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (1,181 points)
I recommend you to do tasks while leveling, about skills they arent much important in lower levels and it will raise anyway training offline some idea to hunts

30-40 tarantulas and apes quest

40-49 thornback tortoise and blood crabs( those drop a valuable creature producto)

50-70mutate rats and tigers good options since the mutate tiger drop quite good creature product too

70-79 ice golems and crystal spiders

80+ giant spiders/werewolf

those options are quite good if you playng solo, you always will do more experience with a team, can hunt hero cave, nightmare/undead gladiator cave will make you level quite faster
0 votes
by (287 points)
Two months ago i was in same situatuon, I was starting from 0 on Antica and my road to 100 looks like this;

To 60/xx offline training

Lvl 8 to 12 (quite boring it was but i have pray for:)

Wasps - darashia

Then 12 to 20 on swamp trolls - abother good profit

20 to 45 stonerefiners - pure exp but with little profit (it should be to 35 but i didnt know i can handle next hunting place)

45 to 60 - elfs on yalahar - pure profit i was avle to safe money for next "solo" try hard place (i was able to get oray for scouts+arcabists = it was stavle 230k/h gold on "peak" 0.5kk for 5nin max.

60 to 80 - vengoth surface - i was hunting here on haunted trellings when there was double exp and it was only free place to hunt :)

From 80 to 105 - only team hunts on edron old fortress hero cave and werebeasts on Grimville (on were mobs beware or start at 90+ lvl with good druid that knows he has to sio you constantly)

Places that are probably good also (i do few hunts on them)

Nightmares+gladiator on Krailos ruins (team hunt from 80-90lvl)

Bonebeasts on edron old fortress (especialy if you get pray for them, awesome exp) probably from lvl 50+ but im not sure.

Nomads (Arito quest) - rope velts pure profit but get boh nd something like 30+

Krailos apider cave - i started hunting them on lvl 100, without pray i still have waste.

And thats what i remember :)