+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
What can considered good skills (Distance and Shielding) and magic level on Royal Paladin level 150?.

3 Answers

+1 vote
I think skill 100/90 is quite good, since in the old school having 90/x was the goal of many, I think the important thing is to enjoy the game.
+1 vote
by (92 points)
I think that having 100/90 skills is enough for you to kill anything you can kill alone, currently I have seen paladins lvl 550 with skill 105, so the truth, I think it is better to enjoy the game and not worry about the skills.

Regards !
+1 vote
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Best answer
Mlvl: 21 + - Preferable. Make Sure you use Caldera and other magic attacks all the time during the hunt to build up your Mlvl.

Skills 100/90 will be Quiet good.

Skills 105/95 will be Preferable.

I have currently 110/104  on my 125 and It is sooo satisfying to see your hits one shooting some monsters ( and no, I don't mean rats:D). But this char was on offline training for long time.

Remember that whenever you hunt, you build up your skills. Do not feel repelled to hunt because of the skills!