+1 vote
by (338 points)
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I would like to know some hunting places to solo hunt when a server is crowded (e.g. double xp event).

I feel that I never make the most out of these events, since most hunting places I know are crowded.

List of hunts considered usual:

- Glooth tower

- Glooth bandits (east, south, west)

- Grim reapers drefia/yalahar

- Grim reapers and demon oramond

- Furies museum

- Banuta/Deep  Banuta

- Catacombs

- Asuras

- Roshamuul bridge/depot

- Draken Walls

- Summer/Winter courts

- Grimvale

- Ab'dendriel/Thais Cults

- Warzones (not usually crowded, but if there is someone hunting there I'll loose 10 suspicious devices)
by (4,311 points)
Think first u shoeld tell us which are the usual hunts, than we can tell others to you.
by (338 points)
I've updated my answer with a list

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

Hard question to answer without knowing which ones are usual for you.

For me unusual places to hunt solo but quite good if there are no other options would be:

  • Grim reapers+demon of oramond
  • Respawns of warzones 3, 4, 5 and 6
  • Task respawns of warzone 6
  • Ravenous lava lurkers of warzone 4
  • Poi/inqui seals
  • Catacombs "ship"
  • -1 fury Dungeon
  • Golem respawns of 500 points of oramond
  • East oramond Minos (where the hard ones are)
  • Vengoth Castle
  • Svargrond mines
  • Wote floors
  • Oramond raids
  • Spikes of kazordoon
  • Courts laberynth
  • Most of the cult quest respawns
  • Grimvale (since the werefoxes are usually crowded)

Those are the ones that come to my mind that you can use if other options are not possible, they depend OFC of your level, skills and set.

Hope I was useful 

by (338 points)
Some were useful, check my updated answer. What are "Catacombs 'ship'", "Golem respawn of 500 points of oramond" and "Courts laberinth"?
by (5,051 points)
Catacombs ship... Is how I call the centre of the respawn lol.. but you named  It already on your question now.
Golem respawns of 500 points of oramond is one of the respawns downstairs the oramond raids, before profesor maxxen.
And dream courts laberinth is the respawn between the winter court Castle and the summer court Castle (all the way to the bosses)
+1 vote
by (50 points)
saw a high lvl rp hunting solo in the new city, but it Will be prob full on the double exp weekend
+1 vote
by (362 points)

Good for RP 300-400, but unusual ...

-WZ5 (Tunnels Tyrants and Cave Devourers)
-Carnivor's Rock (Floor -2)
-The Vats (Inquisition)
-The Arcanum (Inquisition)
-Asuras (Mirror)

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
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I can recommend test this little options:

  • Spikes (Last Floor)
  • Wild Raid
  • Banuta -3 or -4
  • Entrance of Ferumbras Quest
  • P.O.I.
  • Some Inquisition Seals
  • Lower Roshamuul
  • Asuras
  • Summer court
  • Winter court
  • Drefia or Oramond (Grim Reapers)
  • Thais Museum (Furies)
  • Entrance of Catacombs
  • Warzones 4, 5 or 6
  • Elite Skeletons (Entrance)
  • Walls
by (338 points)
Could you be more specific about which POI and Inqusition Seals to hunt?
by (7,037 points)
P.O.I. Dark Torturer Seal and Plague Seal
Inquisition, Fire Fighters and Jugger Seal
0 votes
by (13 points)
Dude Hunt's solo with RP anywhere Rosha , Azura , Raid , New Monster's