+2 votes
by (27 points)
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"Health points, attack and defense values of monsters inhabiting warzone 4, 5 and 6 have been reduced." I used to kill them before they got too strong... What would be recommended level to hunt them?

3 Answers

0 votes
by (7,048 points)
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If you killed in the past, the new info about it in on Bestiary, this reflect the new stats. About level 200 to use the summon is good option.
0 votes
by (12 points)
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was on Driemaws 350 lvl I had a hard time but you can resist the ground should be enough. Just don't take 8 monsters 4-5 max
0 votes
by (126 points)
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This question is not too easy to answer

If you want to Hunt on this respawn it's because you want to farm and get good PROFIT and EXP

If you are lvl 300-400 and don't have a full earth element set you can hunt here with careful using ice element weapon and a shield with earth protection imbuement. Also, you can use terra amulets to make easy this hunt.

But the best lvl to hunt here getting good profit  and Exp as EK with this monsters I recommend 500+, you could easy hunt on this respawn using good use of the wheel of destiny.

Recommendation of set:

ice elemental weapon

Lion shield if you use one handed weapon

terra helmet

armor with life imbuement and earth protection (ornate chestplate or lion plate) if you have money falcon plate or spiritthorn.

falcon greaves or fabulous legs

cobra boots or steel boots

terra amulet great for this place, but you can use exotic amulet or foxtail amulet, other good version use red plasma necklace

plasma ring  or  prismatic ring.

with this set, you can go here and don't suffer.


hope this help you