+1 vote
by (15 points)
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I recently came back to Tibia after a long time of inactivity, and wish to invest in a set that fits today's standards of what the best items would be for my character. I have enough old gold in my Tibia bank to afford just about any equipment set. I plan to continue in the Open PvP server that my character is currently in.
by (2,271 points)
Interested in this answer myself. Wish I had your problem on unlimited funds

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Helmet: Terra Helmet (Arm 9, +2 sword fighting, +5% physical and +5% earth, 1 slot). You can change to Cobra Hood at level 270
Armor: Ornate Chestplate (Arm 16, +3 shielding, +8% physical and 2 slots) or one of Cuirass (All 4 are Arm 18 +4 sword fighting, +8% the determined element but with 0 slots)
Legs: Fabulous Legs (Arm 9, +2 sword fighting, +4% physical and +2% fire)
Shield:Gnome Shield (Def 38, shielding +2, +6% physical, +8% energy, 1 slot) or Shield of Corruption (Def 36, +3 sword fighting, 1 slot)
Weapons: Cobra Sword (Atk 52, def 31+2, +3 sword fighting, 2 slots, 1 handed) or Umbral Master Slayer (Atk 54, def 35, +3 sword fighting, 2 slots, 2 handed), according to what you'll hunt, you can check out Winterblade, Summerblade, Gnome Sword (All 3 are 1 handed) and Tagralt Sword (2 Handed
Boots: Cobra Boots (Arm 3, +10 speed, +6% physical, 1 slot)
Amulets and Rings: Both Red Plasma, Collar you get +4 sword fighting and +5% physical and Ring you get +3 sword fighting and +3% physical, Rainbow Necklace (Arm 2, +3% physical +6% fire), The Cobra Amulet (Arm 4, +9% death), Foxtail Amulet (Arm 2, +5% physical)m Ring of Souls (Arm 0, +2% physical, +20% life drain)
Arrow Slot: Bone Fiddle (+5% life drain), Shining Sun Catcher (+5% fire), Gleaming Starlight Vial (+5% mana drain), Moon Mirror (+5% death)

by (2,865 points)
Cobra Hood is a good option if you want to use a skill imbuement and a mana imbuement. Terra Helmet have only 1 slot, so in this case you should choose between mana or skill, with Cobra you can use both if you need to.

I'll add Lion Shield
by (2,564 points)
Ah, so it's because of an additional imbu spot - gotcha. Thanks for explaining :)
You can also and lit torch for “arrow slot”, Exotic and lion amulet, Lion plate and lion longsword to be added