I don't recommend Summercourt
as a hunting ground for a solo 350 EK, using Resizer, even after the buff.
- Resizer is 2 handed, so you will lack a shield with Fire Resist
- Dealing higher damage doesn't necessarily means you will be able to absorb the high damage of that place
- Level 350 has a small HP pool, compared to a level 600+, meaning more HP pots, less mana pots, higher waste
- A very small fraction of level 350 players have access to a Falcon Coif
The only way it would be worth going there (IMO) is if you have preys on both Rearguard / Vanguard on either DEFENSE or DAMAGE, other than that it would be extremely dangerous, specially if you don't own a Falcon Set, which is the case of most level 350s.
On the other hand, going Summercourt as DUO, on level 350 can be very good. If you can find decent spots to WG, the high damage from resizer + exura sios from druid will be a very good combo for a level 350 on summercourt. You will probably be able to get a considerable exp/h and maybe profit
Other spots:
- Walls (solo): in this place the damage is not very high, meaning you won't need to use as many HP pots as in summercourt, and as consequence the hunt will flow much much better. The profit will increase with the new weapon buff, as well as the exp/h