+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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Today I was searching for some monsters to know which set i should to use, but I realized that on Cyclopedia there not any information about the damage the monsters do against us.

Anyone knows the best way to check/know what are the elemental damage the monsters can inflict to us, directly on the Tibia-Client, without have to go google and search for it on any wikia?

I will appreciated if you can tell any clue or idea of how you can check the damage of the monster you will face to, to choice the set you should use.

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,318 points)

In game you can find function Damage Input Analyser. If you never faced the monster- use your best armour, run next to the monsters and it will display you what damages they done to you. 

The other ways: check on TibiaWiki: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page; or Tibiopedia: https://tibiopedia.pl/;

The Damage Input Analyser is part of the Analytics functionality. It provides you with information of damage received within the last 5 minutes or the hunting session

It also displays damage types by sorted by elements and damage sources sorted by creatures.


0 votes
by (2,271 points)

I generally use Tibia Wiki

to check monsters the first time I fight them. Almost always lists their attacks and expected damage and often has strategies to kill them, occasionally with item/equipment tips as well
