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by (5,730 points)
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Tibia has some monsters that reflect damage when you attack them with a certain elemental-damage, the charm "Parry" is a really good charm cuz any damage taken is reflected to the aggressor, but sometimes this reflected damage can be also reflected to us by some monsters... Does anybody know what are the monsters that could have this condition?

Thanks in advance.
by (1,528 points)
Do you mean like when you attack winter court elves with ice spells?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
I am not super familiar with the new creatures in the last 2 updates but as far as I know the only creature that would reflect Parry back would be the Cobra Vizier. There are many creatures that reflect damage of a particular element or even physical damage. Parry is considered to do a neutral damage type so it will not be resisted when reflected back onto the creature. Cobra Vizier is the only creature I know of that reflects when it receives any damage, not a particular damage type.
by (5,730 points)
Hey! Thanks but what about the Spectres they reflect the damage, does parry also affect them?
by (5,523 points)
The specters only reflect certain elemental damage. For example, Burster Spectre only reflects ice damage. Assuming I understand how everything works correctly, you could attack the spectre with ice damage, they would then reflect that ice damage back to you, then your parry could reflect that damage back to the spectre as neutral damage. Since the damage dealt to the spectre was neutral and not ice, it cannot be reflected back again to you.
by (5,730 points)
Ohhh! Thanks so interesting, I though parry reflect the same elemental damage back to the opponent.
by (5,523 points)
Nope, if it did you would generally be reflecting back a damage type that the creature is strong or immune to which wouldn't be very useful