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by (12 points)
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Consider this: I will hunt the same creature for 20 hours with Sudden Death Rune and Infernal Bolt

If possible show me how you calculated


To simplify the calculation, consider that I am using a crossbow without runes

2 Answers

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by (7,037 points)

It gonna depend of your imbuements (Critical or not), weapons (What crossbow) and lowblow rune (Use or not).

  • Using Elemental Damage

With every hit you deal 20% of more damage.

If you hit 10 times of 100 of damage each one (1000 of damage) with the extra 20% of Elemental Damage you make at the end 1200 of damage.

  • Using Critical

Using Soulpiercer (Best croswbow) you got critical extra damage +10% and critical hit chance +10%

Using Low Blow you got critical hit chance +8%

Using Powerful Strike you got critical hit chance +10% and critical extra damage +50%

Total critical hit chance +28% (Let's put it on 30%)

Total critical extra damage +60%

If you do the same 10 hit of 100 of damage each one (1000 damage), 3 of this hits gonna be critical damage with 60% of extra damage (180) you make at the end 180 of damage.

by (12 points)
You are correct the higher the critical hit chance the more effective it gets, but you missed considering that while elemental damage only affects weapon damage while critical damage affects sudden death rune damage.
And Low Blow and SoulPiercer could also be used with Elemental Damage so it better exclude they from the calculation
by (1,534 points)
when you use low blow without critical imbuement which critilcal damage would do? i thought that charm only worked when combined with another critical source (like soulpiercer+low blow or imbue+low blow)
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by (12 points)
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Using part of the Trululu Games idea I set up the following calculation:

Using an RP 172 skill 110 ml 25 hunting sphinx using crossbow

Base Damage:

Infernal Bolt Average Damage: 349

Average SD Damage: 221


With 50% Elemental Damage:

Bolt Average Damage: 384

SD Average  Damage: 221

in 10 hits 3840 + 2210 = 6049 Total Damage

With 10% Powerful Critical

Average Bolt Critical Damage 524

Average SD Critical Damage: 332

In 10 hits (1 critical)

524 + 3141 (9 normal hit) + 332 + 1989(9 normal hit) = 5986 Total Damage

I didn't consider using Soulpiercer and Low Blow because they can be used in conjunction with both cases.