+1 vote
by (5,059 points)
After years many fans or just Tibia players created maps , tools and many other things to enhance the Tibia experience or just help players, which ones are the most honored to be mentioned?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (464 points)

I usually check a lot of webs/fansites and i will give my own opinions about this "tools"

  • TibiaWikia       - Insane wikia with all information about all game, usefull and needed
  • Guildstats.eu  - Web for track Exp/days, deaths, activity etc etc 
  • TibiaQa            - Web where you can help other ppl and learn about weird questions :P
  • Tibiamaps.io     - Web where u can find all maps ingame updated!  Ultrausefull
  • TibiaObserver   - Oficial app from cipsoft, there i check dailys WorldChanges
  • TibiaHome        - Web for decoration,  u can find some usefull screenshots and articles about how to decorate.
  • NabBot (dicord bot) - Usefull bot for a lot of aplications!! 
  • TibiaSecrets     -  Web of articles about the "secrets of the game" very very interesting!

    Im 100% sure we have more tools and more interesting websites, and ill wait patiently if someone else add more tools or websites! 

    I hope i helped you,
