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by (5,796 points)

Ok, kind of a redundant one, but what would be the best ways to profit a lot during the double loot event? What would be a good strategy to make a lot of money rather than hunting what we usually hunt in Tibia? 

1 Answer

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by (4,384 points)
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Thats a weird question, but ok... You could try o loot stuff that is more valuable and which you don't expect to loot in any normal days, such as:

  • Shield of Corruption, from Draken Abominations
  • String of Mending from Sight of Surrenders

Those are very valuable items which you can loot from creatures that will be extremely profitable during 2x loot, 

You can also use all your boss points from Paw and Fur and kill bosses like "The Noxious Spawn" or "The Many", over and over again, they have very good loot, going from 30k to 200k each (on double loot), depending on your luck :P

by (5,796 points)
this tip about bosses is really good! But isn't it a little bit broken? I mean, some boss lootable items can affect the market prices quite a bit... But I gonna try that I guess anyway, hehe.
I would recommend you check out Mini Roshamuul on Feyrist and Glooth Bandits. Also Ghastly dragons are very profitable.

I will try out the undead dragons spawn myself, hoping to get some rare drops.

Other than than I would also recommend grinding minotaurs wil a low level mage, if you have the minotaur task active. You'll get 2 noserings that way (about 1kk each depending on your sever).

If you are going to spend bosspoints: Ethershreck is the most profitable by far. chance for golden can of oil (1,5kk) and about 80k (x2) on average drop.