+1 vote
by (3,843 points)
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Many bosses drop more items during double loot event so I was wondering if warzone bosses drop more loot during double event or not? (since all of them has a item that always drop when killed)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)

The wz 1 2 3 bosses drop 2 Deathstrike's Snippet.gif Abyssador's Lash.gif Gnomevil's Hat.gif also increase the chances to get other loot, anyway the warzones 4 5 6 use bag reward system so it isnt affected by double loot event

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by (1,557 points)
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Best answer
Bosses from warzones 1,2 and 3 are different from bosses from Pawn and Fur, these have a lot more items which they can drop while bosses from warzones 1, 2 and 3 have just few.

In other hand they will drop two of the items used for the access to the warzones, so I'd say it worthy to kill these bosses if you and your team are looking for the items for the access, especially on new servers.

About warzones 4,5 and 6, as Longshoot said, the double loot didn't affect reward bags.
by (3,843 points)
good to know about the bosses differences and that the items to access the warzones drops in double during double loot