+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
Basically I want to know where to make a good profit during the event in next week, I'm an EK level 305, thank you all.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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Best answer

I am not super familiar with EK and it will probably be hard to get a decent spawn during the event, but here are some suggestions for solo places:

  • Banuta
  • Medusa Tower
  • Weakened Frazzlemaw/Enfeebled Silencer in Feyrist
  • Minotaur Cults
  • Hive Stage 3 (stage 2 could also be decent)
  • Carnivors depending on your weapon (also, not sure how they are post nerf)
Or you could even try farming for some imbuement items if you are really looking for just money and other spawns are taken. I posted a list here the other day with prices of some of the items. https://www.tibiaqa.com/14326/what-best-casual-hunting-spots-when-have-unreliable-internet-connection#a15399
Something like blood crabs and tortoises or vampires for their teeth may turn out to be fairly profitable as well.
by (2,865 points)
Thank you! I have a mage low level, guess I'll try tortoise or monkeys with him.