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by (5,766 points)


We all know about stories being told about Tibia players that received certain kinds of items being gifted after reporting bugs found on Tibia. The last one that I remember being a case widely published about players being rewarded for bug reports was regarding the golden fruits bug, although the item eventually became an obtainable item: https://www.tibiawiki.com.br/Some_Golden_Fruits

However, apart from being something good for the game, can we be rewarded if we manage to denounce and describe a bug or a certain number of bugs in game? Is there any system or process nowadays established by the game to benefit bug reporters?

(Gif of the Bug creature was obtained on: https://www.tibiawiki.com.br/wiki/Bug )

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,766 points)
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You should always report a bug on Tibia and NEVER abuse a game bug. However, you should do this because it is right, since there is no reward or any kind of benefit after reporting an important bug on most of the ordinary occasions. There is no system that will guarantee anything for your effort, but rest assured that we had several cases in the past were we could see special prize items given to players that contributed for bug corrections on test servers. The Famous Golden Bug, for example https://www.tibiawiki.com.br/wiki/The_Famous_Golden_Bug

It is theorized that legendary items were inserted on Tibia back in the days through bug reports that were rewarded. People question the origin of these items, as some people claim that we also had now quests that aren't anymore active on Tibia, but it is fair to say that if Tibia had a policy to reward more often bug reports in the past, this tendency became now more attached to really game breaking bugs. Like I mentioned above, on 2012, Val'Mukka received the item "some golden fruits" after denouncing an important bug related to the mentioned item https://forums.tibiabr.com/threads/448124-Jogador-recompensado-ao-reportar-bug%21

I received the following message on a Ticket after reporting not one, but two bugs with appropriate images attached showing the bug encountered while playing the game on a regular server. This was the answer that I received when I questioned if there are rewards for bug reports:


Thank you for your request. I understand that you'd like to get a reward for letting us know about this issue. 

Of course we are grateful for your bug report. Please understand that we usually don't hand out rewards. Reporting bugs is something players do for the benefit of the whole community.

Let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Kind regards,
CipSoft Tech Support

enlightenedKeep in mind that this is an official confirmation made by a Cipsoft employee. Thus, we can understand that the occasions where bug reports are "thanked" by Cipsoft with a bonus item aren't the rule to be followed and they aren't guaranteed at all.

by (5,766 points)
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A char named Krin also was rewarded with a Thunder Hammer in the past after reporting several bugs to Cipsoft. This allegedly information is given when mentioning about the long gone past of the epic thunder Hammer, before it was transformed into a Boss drop (on 2005). As you can see, gifting valuable items due to bug denounces appear to be something existent on the game historical retrospect, but it is not a rule or a game policy at all. As a rule of thumb, always report bugs, but don't expect huge retributions always.

More details about the information regarding Krin on: https://portaltibia.com.br/a-epopeia-do-thunder-hammer/
+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
If you see a Bug you should report it for helps Cipsoft to fix it , however time ago some people got rewards like trophies for reporting massive bugs , or very important errors that afford much money to the company, but usually this bugs were reported on the testserver.

So to answer your question , "it depends", if the bug is very very big or something very critical maybe you can get a reward , but there is not a system that give rewards for reporting bugs.

Hope my answer helps you
by (5,766 points)
edited by
I really appreciate the help! Now I have updated my answer in order to clarify further misinterpretations that my text may have indicated :)
0 votes
by (7,016 points)

Of course we are grateful for your bug report. Please understand that we usually don't hand out rewards. Reporting bugs is something players do for the benefit of the whole community.

They said on the email "usually" not never. So you can be reward reporting bugs. If you help a lot to reporting bugs in the test server, can be rewarded with:

The Famous Golden Bug

It weighs 12.50 oz.

It's given to skilled discoverers of extra nasty bugs and to great scholars writing useful reports.

Also they reward when people report huge/critical bugs, like the guy who reported a bug to how get free premium account long time ago he received a rare item (Now I Dont remember what Item)  as reward.

by (7,016 points)
I have friend (Etien) who get the Golden Bug and another player like Skyzo have it too.
by (5,766 points)
Far enough, I will edit my answer and add these information. Thanks for the heads up! They received it a long time ago or the prizes obtained by them are recent?
by (5,766 points)
I also will add later some other things regarding historical items without a clear origin that were most likely bug report prizes as well