+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
I've heard a rumor on English Chat that some players have full demon sets on Rookgaard or Dawnport. Was it just the equipment they were wearing or also items in their backpack? How was this possible as I heard it was a bug in the past but I cannot confirm? I'm interested in history and I think this is so bizarre I just have to get an answer.

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,523 points)
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The main and more common bug was that you were able to keep your items when transferring from Dawnport to Rookgaard. There was a secondary bug that you could also claim your items on Dawnport once you reached level 8 and then "throw them back" to another character. The character could then transfer to Rookgaard and keep some items that were supposed to be destined for mainland.


There was another bug I believe that I am unaware of that allowed you to somehow get items directly from main to Rookgaard. You can see them in this video which, as far as I know, is not fake, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_tj8L8JcN8

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

The answer is, yes there was a bug where players rooked themselves and kept items from Mainland. However, there were actually several bugs that I found in my research, so I want to include all of them-

  • The brass set and jagged sword were brought on Rookgaard from Dawnport in 2014 via bug - players had to throw that EQ over the wall, relog on another character, and teleport to Rookgaard with them. It's no longer possible.
  • Halberd and other Dawnport items were brought on Rookgaard the same way, but technically it wasn't a bug, because you didn't have to use any trick to transfer them. It's no longer possible.
  • There was also another bug in 2014, that allowed people to transfer items from Mainland to Rookgaard, some people (very few) have brought spike swords, demon sets, etc. The bug occurred after the introduction of an adventurer's blessing - players on levels 1-20 who haven't attacked other players, were protected by this blessing and did not lose any items upon death. People used it to rook their mainland characters with lots of items in their inventory and thus transfer them to Rookgaard. It's also no longer possible.
  • The 2022 bug deleted the famous rook stayer Dark Gladir (among others) due to bug abuse. Old instructions on how the bug worked but this has since been fixed-

Remove your character's adventurer's blessing by attacking any player.

Drop your total XP points to between 1500-1518 by dying to level 6.

Buy following blessings:- Phoenix Charm- Solitude Charm- Spiritual Charm- Twin Sun Charm- Unity Charm- Twist of Fate

Drop your character's health to 1 hitpoint.

Stand in a tight nook with only 1 sqm available to move (for example at the end of a tunnel), and log out.

Another player selects his red mode in PVP and throws 2 fire fields on the sqm you logged out, and on another available sqm next to it.

You (level 6 with 1hp) log in on the fire field, dying instantly and being transfered to Dawnport with your mainland equipment. It probably has something to do with death having high priority in the game script.

Teleport from Dawnport to Rookgaard with help of NPC Inigo: hi, Rookgaard, yes, yes.


  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/rookgaard/wiki/index/rookgaardfaq/rookbrass
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rookgaard/wiki/index/2022glitch/
  3. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rookgaard/comments/wku82o/the_new_glitch_allowing_transfer_of_mainland/
by (17,406 points)
To the person who downvoted, what is wrong with my answer? It clearly answers the question.
0 votes
by (1,557 points)
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Well, I know a history that happened at Harmonia years ago. In that case the player "Potty on Harmonia" appeared in Rookgaard with a Spike Sword and couple of other items, first she said she had done the Sword of Fury quest, but after a lot of speculation the true came up.

What happened was that a GameMaster teleport her from rook directly to Darashia, so she was level 4 without vocation at Mainland, once in Main she received some items like blue robe, dark shield, and the spike sword. After a couple of days she contacted a Gamemaster and explained that she was at the mainland without vocation so she was sent back to Rookgaard, but she kept the items in her bag.

In  the end she returned all the items.

by (17,406 points)
Wow I didn't know about that story, thanks for sharing.
0 votes
by (170 points)
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I have heard of a bug that allowed players to rook their chars while wearing an aol which permitted them to bring mainland items to rook, there is a recent video which shows an spike sword on Rookgaard, which is believed to have been brought this way

--- EDIT --- 

On another video shared here there is a comment from the guys appearing on the video and he says he got it thru a bug, but no using aol

No, i used a bug that got fixed 3 days after dawnport update (because i reported it along with some other bugs ^^) , so no, is no longer working.. And no, i didnt use aol.. It was quite more complicated than that.
