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by (4,384 points)

Lets say I find a undeadcavebear, what happens if I attack it in 1 character, close client, login in another character and kill it?

  • If I restarted my client fast enough, so my 1st character is still online, does it get bestiary done?
  • If I was too slow and my 1st character logged off, does he still gain bestiary, or just the character that is online?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,184 points)
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Best answer
  • If I restarted my client fast enough, so my 1st character is still online, does it get bestiary done?

Character will be still online, so it should get the bestiary entry.

  • If I was too slow and my 1st character logged off, does he still gain bestiary, or just the character that is online?

Only online characters are getting bestiary entries.

by (4,384 points)
Are you answering this based on guessing, or you actually tested it?
by (1,184 points)
I tested it with friends, not on any rare monsters but on simple ones (it were deeplings), because we were wondering if we will get it to bestiary while being offline. I didn't test the "xlog" but I guess it would actually work because your character needs to stay online, if you are offline, you are not getting any monster that you hit/soulfired.
0 votes
by (5,730 points)
The only wait you obtain the bestiary if is you are online, in case you wanna do the bestiary on 2 or more characters The safe way is by logging out in a place of "Not Loggout Zones", so if you logout your char will permant "on" so you will be sure to gain it.

I can tell you by my own experience:

Somedays ago I was in HOD, and I died and I loggout by mistake, I was sure I was not going to get any reward, but when i conect back my friends killed the boss and I got my exp and loot surprisely, even when i logout by mistake for a second, so what I means is if you attacked a monster or boss the damage will count to get the exp/bestiary/loot only if you are online when it dies.

Same happens when I was hunting and I logout and enter back. I got experience standing on depot cuz someone took the cave, but is like the damage is "active" if you are online.

I hope I explained myself well.
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