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Yesterday I went selling my loot. I know that some npc buy used items or imbuing items.  I wonder which NPC buys first? does it depend on the position in the backpack or is it random? or maybe buying some specific type first?

Example: I carry always mastermind shield with imbuing in my backpack, but I wanted to sell clean items yesterday. I know you can sell one at a time, but I was afraid to risk imbuing anyway.

1 Answer

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by (1,534 points)
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always will buy the first item on the slots of the backpack regardless if is imbued/used or not, 

So, as u can see in the image above there are 3 zaoan helmets that will be sold in their slots order regardless if they are inside another bp or not (taking containers as a slot with its own slots). is the same mechanism than wielding an item and is kinda different than receiving items (conjuring, trading, looting)

When you sell/use/wield items the item will be always the first SLOT that HAVE the item.

When you are looting/receiving items they will be put in the FIRST EMPTY SLOT, which mean that containers are occupied slots and won't be taken into account until there aren't more empty slots in the assigned container.
