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by (5,730 points)

As the topic says, I wanna know what are the creature products used to imbuements that can I buy to the NPC Yana at the Adventurer's Guilds.

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

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by (4,384 points)
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You can trade Gold Tokens for creature products. It works for the following imbuements: Strike, Vampirism and Void. 

For Gold Tokens you can get:

  • VOID:
    • A) 25 Rope belts
    • B) 25 Silencer Claws
    • C) 5 Grime Leech Wings
    • A) 25 Vampire teeth
    • B) 15 Bloody Pincers
    • C) 5 Piece of dead brain
    • A) 20 Protective Charms
    • B) 25 Sabretooth
    • C) 5 Vexclaw Talon
Note that you can pay different amounts of Gold Tokens for different items:
  • 2 Gold Tokens = Choose 1 imbuement and get the items marked by A
  • 4 Gold Tokens = Choose 1 imbuement and get the items marked by A + B
  • 6 Gold Tokens = Choose 1 imbuement and get the items marked by A + B + C