+1 vote
by (2,564 points)
The character page of some players has section "Married to: (character name)". How can you get married in Tibia?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,426 points)
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Characters can marry other characters as long as both of them are on mainland, regardless of level, premium status or sex. First, you'll need two pairs of items: 2 wedding rings (buy from all Jewel shop NPCs) and 2 wedding outfit boxes (buy from Norbert in Venore). 

Once both chars have one of each item, find one of the priests that can perform marriages in Ab'Dendriel (Llathriel), Carlin (Tibra), Kazordoon (Ferus).  or Thais (Lynda). Ask them about marriage and follow the dialogue (both players must talk to the NPC). 

After getting married, you'll be allowed to use the Newly Wed Outfits and also visit the island of Meluna for your honeymoon. 

by (2,564 points)
Fun fact - the characters do not need to talk to the same NPC. One of them can be in Carlin, another in Thais and it will still work :)
by (5,806 points)
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For how long can we access Meluna? Free Accounts can access this island as well?
by (7,060 points)
When you get married you have until the next server save to go to Meluna.
Yes, free accounts can access to Meluna.
by (5,806 points)
Good to know it!