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by (4,384 points)
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When Im hunting with friends, sometimes they are standing next to wall and wave, but the wave cuts in half and does not hit the entire pull, as it would normally, like the picture below:


But, sometimes even when the druid is right next to a wall, the terra wave comes full, and doesn't cut in half.


So I'm wondering, how does those interactions work? Is there any rule?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

I don't think the answer I got for this question was what I was expecting, so I decided to test it myself !!

Why? Because I think the answer to this question can be very useful for hunting, when deciding where the EK should stand, where the Druid should stand, etc... because depending on the SQM, there WILL be an effect on the upcoming waves!!

I have tested every possibility (8), here are all of them:

1-2) Wave in NORTH direction:

3-4) Wave in SOUTH direction:

5-6) Wave in EAST direction:

7-8) Wave in WEST direction:


  • If you are waving horizontally, stay away from the north wall, it will cut your wave!
  • If you are waving vertically, stay away from western wall, it will cut your wave!

With this, mages/ek can decide better where to stand, in a way that the wave will hit every creature around the ek =)

EDIT: In order for walls to have an effect in your waves, you need to be AT LEAST on the 2nd SQM of the corridor OR deeper. If you are on the 1st SQM (exactly where corridor begins) there won't be any effect on your wave.

by (4,384 points)
I see your point, but thats not a problem. It doesn't matter how far inside you are, the result will be the same! As long as you are at least 1 SQM away from the entrance, it will affect your wave the same way!
by (5,796 points)
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Awesome results! But isn't it a bug? I mean, I don't why it should be that way the wave! People would usually assume that the wave should either blocked or allowed. I cannot see what would be the RPG "cause" for this weird behavior of waves...
by (4,384 points)
I agree haha, also, if a wall to the north will cut my horizontal waves, then why a south wall doesn't? what is the RPG explanation that would diferentiate north/south walls? hahaha its weird... I think its some bug encoded into tibia since the start and that no one really cares about :c