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by (4,316 points)
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Hello  guys!

I want to imbue my armor but it still has 30 minutes of another type of imbuement. So, can I clear this imbuement or I need to waste this 30 minutes? If it's possible to clear, how can I do that?
closed as a duplicate of: Can you remove an active imbuement from an item?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

Yes, it is!!


To do that, go to the imbuing shrine, select the weapon which you want to remove the imbuement.

Then select the imbuement that you want to remove (to select the imbuement you have to click the displayed square of the imbuement) and click the big button on bottom right that says "Clear Imbuement". 

Removing an imbuement will cost 15,000 gold coins and it removes just the selected imbuement. If you want to remove more than 1, then you have to manually select one at a time and pay 15,000 gold for each one of them.
