+3 votes
by (24 points)
I want to know if there is a way to see the real percentage to reach the next skill (without loyalty bonus).

E.g. My paladin has 119 distance fighting with 8% left to 120 distance. In the moment it gets 120 distance in-bar it will continue being 119 distance (base) because of the loyalty bonus. So, is there any way to see the real percentage left?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

The skills shown in game are the character's base skills with the account's loyalty bonus. If the account has at least 360 loyalty points (5% bonus), then the skills shown on highscores may not be the same as seen in game. This tool can be used to check the character's real skills without the loyalty bonus, which should be the same used on the official highscores.

Skills without Loyalty (Enter on link to use the calculator)

Source: Tibia fandom

by (24 points)
Thank you! that calculator was exactly what I needed