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by (228 points)
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Can the Low Blow charm be activated on a weapon without critical imbuement?

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by (17,406 points)
I edited to fix some typos

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

You have to have a critical hit weapon, either imbued or not in order for Low Blow to work. For example, a Cobra Wand has 10% critical chance on it, it's considered a critical hit weapon without an imbuement but you can make your weapon have the imbuement to make it a critical hit weapon depending on which weapon.

Low Blow charm's damage will be calculated in the following manner: 8% are added to your critical hit weapon chance against the creature you've used your charm on. If a critical hit is dealt due to these additional 8%, every charm creature affected by the attack will receive crit damage.


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by (11 points)
Actually low blow adds 3% critical chance to weapons with critical chance strike. So without using imbu only when you use item with bonus crit chance statistic the charm will be active.