0 votes
by (1,028 points)
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I'd like to kill a few of them for the bestiary. I checked Venore a couple of times but they were never there. Any ideas?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (2,271 points)

The answer arturgaldino gave is bang on correct, just with one addendum. The Elf Overseers will ONLY respawn once after Thornfire is reset. So the fires have to be put out and Thornfire stopped before they will spawn. Then once they are killed they will not respawn until Thornfire is put out again. thornfire requires the Overseers to be killed AND all the elves in Shadowthorn to also be slaughtered.  So the whole Mini World Change must be played out before they spawn again.

So the best time to kill them is right after SS on the day Thornfire resets to the Guides by the ships responses to asking about Thornfire - Countless Firestarters are in their cells below Shadowthorn, but right now they are safely guarded.

by (1,028 points)
Thank you for the additional explanation. It's a huge help!
+2 votes
by (1,351 points)
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Best answer

These elfes are part of the Thornfire World Change and can be found at Shadowthorn at the red crosses on the following image.

Note that only 3 of them will spawn in a day when the city is not burning. They spawn at the SS so you must hurry to kill them.
