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by (6,736 points)
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All players who are interested in Nightfiend and Vicious Manbat bestiary know, that it is possible during The Pale Count raid. After announcement we need to come to his secret cave which is usually closed for everybody. In bat-shaped room we can find many Nightfiends, Vicious Manbats, Vampire Brides and more... but what happened after we kill all the spawn there? Can we wait for the respawn or no more monsters will appear after we kill it?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (246 points)
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Best answer
The creatures will continue to spawn as long as the area remains accessible. The area closes and players are kicked out approximately 10 minutes after the pale count has been killed. SO there is time to still make the bestiary entries if you weren't one of the first people to show up.


Worth to mention, that such a huge amount of monsters we will face only at the begginging of the raid and it spawns only once. After we kill all of them respawn still works, but monsters appear slowly and there is not many of the new ones.
by (5,730 points)
U were faster than me xD!
by (6,736 points)
Thanks for the answer, however part of it is not correct. As soon as you kill The Pale Count you can see an orange announcement, that area is open for 10 minutes more. Not 30.
by (246 points)
ah true, fixed it. I didnt know the exact time but I knew it did close, unlike lizard raid in zao that stays open all day for the tome  xD
by (5,730 points)
If you means the raid of Zulazza it also close after few minuts! There a TP inside to people leave that place.