+1 vote
by (2,271 points)
I just did the Morguthis Vampire Raid (NE of Ankrahmun) and had killed all the vampire brides and noticed the Raid map marker did not disappear. So as I did last time i went through the level again to see if anymore had spawned. None had and still the map marker remained. So I'm curious, are what conditions make Raid map markers disappear. Is it time based, spawns killed based, a combination of the two or something else completely?

Any feedback would be most appreciated

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

If you have completed an area of the Cyclopedia Map through the Measuring Tibia Quest, you'll see a warning  on that area that a raid will start within the next hour. Fifteen minutes before the raid begins, the warning will also be displayed on the subarea, in case part of the subarea is located on ground floor.

Mark will be visible  for full hour even after raid is done.

Source: TibiaWiki 1, TibiaWiki 2

by (2,271 points)
So its an hour. Many thanks for that. Is that an old version map display youre using?