+2 votes
by (4,384 points)

If a midnight panther spawns 3 minutes before server save, will it continue there after the server comes back?

That was just an example, the question is about any raid creature!


There is a question about raids and server save here: https://www.tibiaqa.com/7237/what-happens-with-raids-and-bosses-when-server-save-happens-the-middle-the?show=7237#q7237

But it is about creatures that not yet respawned, instead of creatures that did respawn, thats why I still asked the question!

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer
Yes, rapids disappear after the Server save. But they usually don't spawn just before the Server save as on the example you gave, but a few hours before, and a few hours after
by (4,384 points)
How do you know they don't spawn right before Server Save? If I'm not mistaken, raid creatures (wild horses, cavebears, POI bosses, etc...) stay on spot for 3 hours until the puff. Are you saying one cannot respawn like 1h30 before SS? They would still have like 1h30 to "live" before they puff
by (5,051 points)
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I haven't said, they can't. I have said that they don't usually spawn just before and just after. At least when I am online before ss is super strange to have any raid appearing. What is more, if you check on the tibiabosses fansite, you can notice that the hours with highest chances of appearing bosses  are 1-2 h after ss, and it decreases 22h+ after ss
+1 vote
by (17,410 points)
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Gaz'haragothFrom my understanding Gaz'haragoth will continue after the server save.

I can't name any others, but from my understanding bosses like Midnight Panther aren't programmed to be there after server save. I think it all depends on the boss and I really don't know of what others would stay after server save :)


0 votes
by (4,316 points)
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Just think about, since after save server the worlds return to an early stage any monster from a raid will disappear considering that they are not programmed for that stage.