0 votes
by (1,351 points)
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While doing bestiary I notice that Insect Swarm  and silver rabbit won't respawn if you're standing on the same floor with vision to it's home. What other monsters can have their respawn blocked?

by (5,051 points)
wow man... thats a hard question to be answered, too many creatures to be checked
by (934 points)
So has anyone figured out something about this "mechanic" yet? I wonder the same

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

The most interested ones, because they are high class creatures are:

  • Draken Spellweaver
  • Draken Warmaster
  • Draken Elite
  • Draken Abomination
  • Burning Gladiator
  • Black Sphinx Acolyte
  • Priestess of the Wild Sun
  • Lamassu
  • Sphinx
  • Crypt Warden
asked May 5, 2021 by (17,410 points)
bumped Mar 11, 2024 by
Why are some respawns able to be blocked?
+2 votes
by (4,336 points)

I can give you only partial answer. I had problem with spawn of monsters in Medusa Tower on the last floor here. I think  spawn can be blocked also on other floors.

–3 votes
by (-3 points)
Monsters generally can be blocked, bosses cant. Wiki is your best friend, have a check before hunt and you will know
by (5,051 points)
Acualy, most creatures can not