+7 votes
by (2,217 points)

My friend and I were recently searching for the famous Troll Lady. We explored the areas in the game for Trolls. The village of Chor caught my friend's attention. According to Cyclopedia, there should be a Swamp Troll rare respawn there.

We searched the Chor village area multiple times. We also searched for information about this Troll on fansites, but no site gives this location. So far we have not been able to find this monster and we are running out of ideas. We would really love to know where this Troll is located. Maybe someone of you knows how to solve this riddle? So I ask the question - Where exactly can Swamp Troll be found in Chor?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (2,426 points)
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Very good question! I started to investigate and after not finding any Swamp Troll around the area I suspected it could be a bug. And in fact, it is. If you select Chor in the Cyclopedia Map and zoom in north of Port Hope you'll see that in fact the Swamp Troll cave is also highlighted:

You can also see that by looking at the image mask the Client uses to highlight Chor (that's how I found it):

So the truth is that there aren't Swamp Trolls there, it's just a bug with the Cyclopedia map which also considers the entrance of the Swamp Troll cave north of Port Hope as part of Chor.

by (2,217 points)
Haha. Great answer. Personally, I suspected the Troll was either in some unknown location or there was a bug here. Good research. Will you report the bug to support?
by (2,426 points)
Yeah. I went to the Troll cave entrance and reported it. It will problem take months if they ever fix it.