+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
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Is there a way to make the "Hunger Worm" spawn faster during the battle with the Pale worm?

I've seen Itexo video and the Hunger Worm was respawning very fast. But, when I did the boss, it was barely respawning.

I wonder if theres a way to trigger it?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,046 points)
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Based on my own experience, these worms spawn every X  amount of time, although it is said that they spawn faster if you keep attacking the boss.

I went to this boss the first time in a 4 players team, and at the end of the time, we had like 5 Hunger Worms around  in the respawn upstairs; and I can assure you that every time we were upstairs, even in the beginning, when a Hunger worm spawned we focused on him, but as we had not enough damage to kill it fast, another Hunger worm spawned while the first one was still alive (and we were not even attacking the boss).
+2 votes
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

When you enter on the boss, throw fire bombs everywhere and lure Greed Worms  on it while attack the boss. In this way you will spawn many of Hunger Worms 

I am doing this boss daily in 3-4 people and whe always have around 4-5 worms running around us :). I think it's a bug and Cipsoft will change it soon but for now this is the fastest way to spawn Hunger Worms.

by (5,046 points)
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so it is about attacking the greed worms instead of the boss or time? I have to try this, because maybe it happens to u what happened to me, that because you are not many people it takes longer for u to kill the worms
by (4,451 points)
It doesn't take longer :P we are making it in the same time as in 7 people.  Also we are not killing the worms, there is many of them, we are just making some kind of dmg i think. I will make a screnshoot today to show you that  or i will stream it.
by (5,046 points)
well I can't actualy check this, since it takes 2 turns for us to kill the boss xD, so we just need 2 hunger worms to spawn hehe