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by (5,051 points)
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The Pale Worm  This is a 10 players team boss, that requires to follow some steps to kill it.

Which are these steps? How is possible to defeat it?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

Just made it and it was amazingly easy to do. You just need to be careful in the beginning over all.

  • When you enter the teleport, every member of the team is 'cursed' I mean, everyone's hp is reduced to 40% of their maximum HP. 
    • Mages: This is not a problem for them because they must be in Mana shield
    • Rps and Eks: They will be in trouble here because this curse lasts all the time u are in the room. How to remove it? You must use a Soulforged Latern Soulforged Lantern (this is dropped in the other minibosses of the quest). When using it it can breaks with a 20% of probabilities, so it is a good idea to have several in order that every rp and ek on your team uses it at the beginning.                                             
  • Once in the room you will face the boss The Pale Worm The Pale Worm which respawns with several Greed Worms Greed Worm.
    • The boss heals with Sd, and the greed worms keep spawning, so it is necessary to keep killing them (gfb, physical and holy damage are useful in here)
    • After some time a Hunger Worm Hunger Worm spawns. Focus on killing it (it accepts death damage too). When it dies a hole will appear in the spot where it died.
  • The knight must go downstairs first, in order that all the Greed Worms downstairs focus on him. All the team must go down after him before the hole closes.
    • Attack the Weak Spot A Weak Spot which is static in the middle of the room.
    • This room keeps dealing a general damage of death, that is more and more powerful every time, so your team must last in the room as much as they can hold this death damage to hit as much as possible the weak spot.
  • When you go upstairs (the stairs are in the north of the downstairs room) you will face back the Pale Worm and the Greed worms. You will realize that the boss has less hp now.
  • You must keep doing this tactic over and over again, until the boss is about to die and you can kill it.
by (544 points)
Pretty good explanation
+1 vote
by (155 points)
In addition to beix's answer, It is good to use Stone skin amulets if you want to prolongue the time you stand down the hole