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by (5,730 points)
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I wanna know if the probability to drop a  Ghost Backpack from  The Pale Worm is known; my friends and I kill it every week and still no one dropped one of them.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

No statitcs about Ghost Backpack  on internet, but it's certain that he dropped from this boss.

source: https://www.tibiabosses.com/gallery/ (searching the Pale Worm)

and statitcs about loot from boss

Loot (Toggle % view) 

source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/The_Pale_Worm

but in Tibiopedia.pl. (https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/The_Pale_Worm is 5.56% for Ring of Souls so I think that for others the drop may be the same or slightly smaller.
