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by (2,861 points)
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I'm royal paladin, level 125 and I want to know some places to hunt. I'm willing to find somewhere I can make a good exp and loot. Thanks

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,379 points)
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Best answer

I'm not a main paladin, but I have some ideas:

  • Edron Vampire Cave: Since they are weak to holy damage and have Imbuement items as loot (vampire teeth), you can make decent exp and nice profit here
  • Putrid Mummy: The exp isn't as good, but is very chill (since they are slow) and the imbuement item (little bowl of myrrh) make it a nice profit spawn.
  • Banuta: Serpent Spawns have great loot, are weak to physical damage and are easy to kill
by (2,861 points)
Thanks!! I'll try the Edron Cave. Today I hunt wyrms, it's fun but i want to change sometimes. I'm waiting to hunt medusa and serpent spawn.
+1 vote
by (5,044 points)
  • Miniroshamuul  of feirist
  • Roshamuul Depot with energy walls
  • Miniaturs of oramond
  • Hero cave
  • Nightmare cave of krailos
by (2,861 points)
Thanks!! Where exactly on Hero cave ?
by (5,044 points)
i liked to hunt the first part of the bonebeast +  the first floor, but have to say that the loot is not that good
+1 vote
by (1,028 points)
I would also like to add a few spots:

-Roshamuul before the bridge with walls

-Giant Spiders Cave in Port Hope

-Frost Dragons on Okolnir

-Ravenous Lava Lurkers at the Kazo Hub (here no loot but the exp is amazing, you can stay behind the parcels and press utito all the time)

-Muggy plains