+1 vote
by (5,758 points)

This is a cool boss related to famous quest in Venore. You can kill it all day long so it was technically one of the first bosses with several respawn times per day!

However, what is the respawn time of such creature? How long it takes to another Black Knight respawn once again after I kill him?

by (18 points)
I actually completely forgot about BK LOL. Decided to look it up in my beastiary and found it there's not an entry for it. Imagine having to sit there waiting to kill 1k or even 2.5k BKs. Haha insane. Anyway, I think the spawn time sits between 12-15 mins. GG everyone.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (2,271 points)
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Best answer
Its very dependent on server load. I've hunted there on multiple occasions and on average 7 -15 minutes per respawn so that will definately depend on server load and your particular server. you can get a rough idea from how often the scorpions are spawning but that is more a rule of thumb for me
by (4,311 points)
Yes you're right, Black Knight is a normal creature, so his spawn time depends how many players are online at the moment.
by (3,765 points)
Black knight isn’t a normal creature and his spawn isn’t the same as other creatures of the cave
by (4,311 points)
What I'm saying is that BK do not have respawn time fixed. It might be longer than the Beholders but still will vary according with the amount of player online.
+1 vote
by (3,765 points)
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After killing one time you should wait something like 15~20min to the next one spawn