+2 votes
by (4,336 points)
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The third is the final stage of Liquid Black Quest. From now we can fight with Deepling Bosses - they will spawn each day for 5 days (selected randomly: Tanjis, Obujos or Jaul). I wanna know if I can kill these bosses in all 5 days or only 3 different bosses because there are 3 treasure chests.

My question:

How many deepling bosses can I kill per one week in Liquid Black Quest? Does it have to be different bosses?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,379 points)
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Best answer

You can kill all 3 bosses in 1 week (assuming all 3 respawned, which may not happen).

But here are some very important points:

  • When you kill a boss you cannot enter THAT teleport again, until you open his chest and make another CRATES (deepling phase 2)
  • If you open 1 chest, you cannot kill any other deepling boss during that STAGE 3, you need to wait next STAGE 3 to kill another boss.
  • Each Crates will give you permission to open 1 chest, after you open a chest you lose access to every boss teleport, doesn't matter if you killed or didn't kill it.

What those 3 points mean? They mean that yes, you can kill all 3 bosses in a row (if you don't open any chest after leaving boss room), but then you will be "owing" 3 chests.

I'll give an example, is easier to understand:

  1. Stage 2: You do Crates
  2. Stage 3, day 1: Obujos respawned. You kill Obujos. You DON'T open his chest.
  3. Stage 3, day 2: Tanjis respawned. You kill Tanjis. You OPEN his chest.
  4. Stage 3, days 3-5: Jaul respawned. You cannot kill JAUL because you opened Tanjis chest, thus losing access to every boss.
  5. Stage 2: You do Crates again
  6. Stage 3, day 1: Obujos respawned. You CANNOT kill Obujos because you killed him last time and still didn't open his chest, you "owe" his chest.
  7. Stage 3, day 2: Tanjis respawned. You kill Tanjis. You DON'T open his chest.
  8. Stage 3, day 3: Tanjis respawned. Since you already killed it day before, you cannot kill him now, so you choose to open Obujos chest.
  9. Stage 3, day 4-5: You cannot kill Obujos nor Jaul, because you opened Obujos chest, losing access to every boss.

I hope this example could make it clear, how killing more than 1 boss in a week can backstab you, you need to really think it through!

+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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In 5 days you can kill all 3 bosses of Liquid Black Quest. But as you mentioned, it depends, if you are lucky you can kill in one week Jaul, Tanjis and Obujos. But it also can happen that in this 5 days will spawn the same boss everyday.

How many bosses can you kill in one week? Lets say, depends of the levels of your team you can kill between 3-4 bosses in one day. If you had in 5 days the same boss everyday, then you will stay with this amount. If you had 2 or 3 bosses in 5 days, then you can kill around 9 bosses. Obujos is little harder to kill than Tanjis and Jaul. That's why, I would say you will kill 1 Obujos less than Tanjis and Jaul.

by (1,850 points)
I would add If stage 3 take 5 days, and server will kill enough bosses 6th day gonna be on stage 2 where u can do crate mission, and make 7th day in week as stage 3 so If you are lucky you can enter bosses 4 times.
by (4,451 points)
I heard about it, but i never tried it. I prefer not to write about it if it's not true :D But thank you for the help!
+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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During this period, each day a boss will appear, being possible to repeat or not. You will be able to kill a boss a day, no matter if it is the same boss from the day before, the only thing you can not do is open the treasure chest.

Note: Let to open the treasure chest of your preference at the end of these 5 days.

Note2: If you do not open any treasure chest, next time the event get the final stage you won't be able to enter the bosses teleport.
