+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Bosses all over the Tibia have different reward system. We all know that for example most valuable items from Feroxa are completely random, Ferumbras' Hat from Ferumbras Mortal Shell is quite random too, but other rares like Great Shield or Demonwing Axe wins usually RP or EK and generally players who deal the best damage.

How does the reward system work in case of King Zelos?

I am ED (594 lvl), killed dozens of Zeloses and didn't win anytning valuable. The best loot is always for EK or RP. Other mages if they are not 1000+ lvl usually have no profit from this boss too.

  • Are we simply unlucky or loot is always for RP/EK?
  • Is Shadow Cowl works like Ferumbras' Hat from quest-boss, I mean is it random?

If you know anything about it, share your knowledge here :)

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer
Everybody keeps saying that It is random... What I can tell you is that we have done It like 30/40 times now, and so far I have been the one looting the most items, and I am the highest lvl RP (655) in the team: 2 shadow cowls, 2 bow of cataclysm and 2 toga mortis

Others have looted stuff too, but usually when they loot I loot too, but sometimes when I do I am the only one dropping something

Maybe I was just Lucky, or Maybe It is not that random
+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
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By my own experience the loot seems to be dropped by participation. I pass through the same situation as Beix said, always the RP with lvl 900 that got the good stuff from the boss, if it happens twice or three times we could think it's coincidence, but twenty time I don think so.
+1 vote
by (4,336 points)

In my opinion loot from King Zelos King Zelos is random. For example my friend looted Shadow Cowl Shadow Cowlfrom King Zelos on his 400 MS, another friend looted Shadow Cowl Shadow Cowl on 500 ED. I think all depends on your luck.

by (6,736 points)
That's why I think, that Shadow Cowl might be random (just like in case of Ferumbras Mortal Shell, but other items like Galea Mortis, Bow of Cataclysm or Toga Mortis win usually guys who deals physical dmg (or in other words "have the biggest participation" - again just like Ferumbras Mortal Shell).