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 I was wondering how the Raging Mage reward system works?

Will elemental spikes be given to the player who deals the most damage? Is there a lottery between players with the most damage?

I saw many times that elemental spikes were given to 1 out of 3 players who dealt the most damage.
by (5,717 points)
Interesting question, maybe there is a change to it. Here we have some statistics about this loot: https://www.tibiaqa.com/9033/how-does-the-raging-mage-boss-work
by (13 points)
Ops, I didn't mean to comment on this sorry haha

3 Answers

0 votes
by (41 points)
Since the Raging Mage has the new boss bag loot system and the Elemental Spikes are a very rare drop, it is currently a lottery for who loots the spikes. As long as you have killed enough Yielothaxes and are given access to kill him you have a chance to loot the spikes. The drop chance of the spikes is always very rare and damage input does not affect your chances of looting them, it is pure luck.
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by (13 points)

It does slightly affect it but not enough to be battling for the most damage in my opinion. (If you are doing it with friends it's obviously better if everyone deals same amout of damage - if you are fighting a random player then dealing most damage would be ideal).

But yes like other answers mentioned it now has a "loot bag" with which everyone has a chance to loot spikes. :)

Hope this helped (they are around 1,2% chance or less).

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by (14 points)
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Its random, but also if u want more chance for it, u can do like us with friends. We kill in 4 ppl on 2x chars 250 yielo each. When mages spawned after killed this other mage we hitting 1 ava then relog on mains and kill mage. We got loot on both chars but bosstiary only on 1 char, this which was online when mag died.
