+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
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The reward system for bosses is one of the greatest things CipSoft implemented in my opinion, but how does the loot is distributed between the players?
by (17,406 points)
Man this is a hard answer to find I've been looking ever since you posted it. :( I wish we knew the distribution for every single boss I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere.
by (6,736 points)
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Shawtay sometimes it is simply impossible to find on WIKIs every answer you need, because information there are incomplete or even misleading (for example on tibiopedia you can find dozens of mistakes in quests' spoilers) because fansites are created by players for players and you can not treat it as 100% sure info. I have some experience in different aspects of tibia (for example bosses) and if I had to base only on info what WIKI says, then my answers would be quite poor. Our own experience is a good source as well!
by (17,406 points)
Oh yes but me I never boss hunt ;S I like tibia.com for my answers for the most part. As having an official response is also a good source. I do agree personal experience is an amazing source too which I'm not disputing at all! But it's hard when I think the loot system keeps changing and I don't think they have an official response about every boss~ Maybe they want it to be a surprise

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

Each boss has a different mechanism, implemented in different periods of Tibia.

Old bosses (Ferumbras, Orshabaal, Morgaroth, Gazbaran)

  • Different reward levels, based on participation (damage, healing, etc). For an example, Ferumbras Hat will always go to the highest total contribution. 
  • Limit of 1 item of each type (for very rare/valuable drops): An orshabaal will never drop 2 Thunder Hammers, example.

New bosses (Feaster of souls, Oberon, Dream Courts, etc)

  • Anyone who deals a minimum threshold of participation will have the right to the loot. The loot is completely random.
  • There is no limit per item type, example: An alptramun can loot Pair of Dreamwalkers for 2 players.

I'm not sure in which group Forgotten Knowledge bosses are, or even a 3rd group, maybe?

by (5,051 points)
Think so, contribution counts aswell, but Who knows the %s.. because damag counts aswell
by (4,384 points)
Changed it from "damage" to "contribution", Id be happy if you removed the down vote, assuming it was you :)
+3 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Reward system works differently depends on the boss, you are talking about:

  • Ferumbras, Orshabaal, Morgaroth, Gazbaran, World Devourer - wins player who has the biggest participation (by participation I mean damage dealt, damage taken, healing by "exura gran mas res") *** I remember Morgaroth dropped his heart to player with the highest participation, but rare item went to the other person, so I guess it is possible that it works like The Pale Count, but very rarely.
  • Grand Master Oberon - each player in team has the same chance (in %) to win an item,
  • Feaster of Souls, Dream Courts, Grave Dagner mini bosses - winning loot seems to be random,
  • Ferumbras Mortal Shell, King Zelos - items like Bow of Cataclysm, Toga Motis etc. or in case of Ferumbras - Great Shield, Great Axe, Velvet Mantle depends on participation (usually win paladins or knights), but Shadow Cowl or Ferumbras' Hat seems to be a little bit more random.
  • Shlorg, Ocyakao, Tyrn, Furyosa, Zushuka, White Pale - wins player who has the biggest participation
  • The Pale Count - wins (gets medal) person with highest participation, rare items are slightly more random, can be looted by second best participant.

What is more, usually only one person can win the loot, but for example I know situation when Alptramun dropped 2 Pairs of Dreamwalkers or 2 players won something from from one Grand Master Oberon.

by (2,426 points)
You're wrong about 'Ferumbras Mortal Shell, King Zelos'. These bosses are also random for everyone with the minimum participation.
by (6,736 points)
Has anything changed recently? Because my answer was based on my own experience and in my team the same people (ex/rp) were getting items (Toga Mortis, Mortal Mace, Bow of Cataclysm) all the time, while Shadow Cowl was dropped randomly.
by (2,426 points)
Nope, that's just how it works for quest bosses. Participation levels only make sense on raid bosses where it's generally every man for himself fighting to get higher participation and get better loot. On quest bosses the basic idea is that it's an organized team and that the spoils will be shared (and if not everyone still gets the same chance). It's not something remotely easy to prove though since we can't easily link loot statistics with individual contributions.
0 votes
by (17,406 points)
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(This is not to take away from what was previously posted I just want to share my research as I like to get familiar with these types of systems Tibia adds)

I'd say the reward system and the reward chest go hand in hand. Any monster who has the special loot bag has the reward system. But like previously mentioned, it all depends on the boss (I don't have personal experience with the bosses like the other posters). I was doing some research for hours so I'd thought I'd include what I found out from reading tons of threads and news. Here's a list with the bosses that participate in the reward system:


On August 14 2013 Tibia.com posted a teaser, "Reward to Whom Reward is Due" implementing a new reward system for certain bosses:


This is the thread in which Cipsoft answered some FAQ about the Reward System:


Q: How does the participation system work?
A: Please note that we will not reveal any details of the participation system. The more you participate in the fight (dealing damage, receiving damage) the higher your individual participation will be.

Q: Do we have to be in a "party" to activate the new reward system?
A: No, the system automatically notices if you participated in the fight or not.

Q: What happens with rare items like Ferumbras' hat?
A: Items with a 100% drop chance, such as Ferumbras' hat, will only drop once and will be awarded to one player with a sufficient participation. Other rare items, such as a great shield, will stay rare and there will only be a chance that it will be dropped but no guarantee. Please note, that we will not reveal more details since it depends on the loot and the boss.

Q: Is there a guarantee that everyone who participated in the fight will be rewarded?
A: No, but the more you took part in the fight, the better is your chance of a reward. That means as well, the more you took part in the fight, the better your reward will be.


Rares will stay rare. In this case, there is a chance that one player will get a great shield but there is no guarantee that it will drop anyway.


For example: 10 players reach a certain participation level, then one of the ten players will get the hat but that does not have to be the highest level or the highest damage dealer. It is randomly one out of the ten players who reached the certain participation level.

Here is the actual update thread w/ comments.

On August 26, 2013:

Of course, the new reward system will work for all new bosses as well.

On Dec 12 2019- Most recently there's been some changes with participation:

A small change in regards to participation has also been introduced: From now on you have to do damage in a bossfight in order to receive participation, so e.g. healing your teammates is no longer enough. Please note that you have to actually do damage to the boss, with one point being already enough, however. If the boss's resistances fully negate the damage, your attack will not count towards participation.
