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by (5,796 points)
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Among all of the stuff that we can get for decoration, some quest items are interesting for that purpose. However, some items with that purpose might be not available to be bought on Black Bert... So what are these items and what are the quests with such items?

closed as a duplicate of: What are some unique quest items that you can use for deco?
The same question has already been asked before. In order to keep the TibiaQA question base clean, we marked this question as a duplicate and closed it to any new answers. This does not mean the question was wrong - we are just making it easier for future users to find the answers they need by linking the duplicated question.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (4,336 points)
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 image Stimulated Brain (can be obtained at The Gravedigger of Drefia Quest)

  Candle Made of Human Tallow (can be obtained at The Gravedigger of Drefia Quest)

Rosebush (Item).gif Rosebush (can be obtained at The Dream Courts Quest)

Dream Talisman Dream Talisman  (can be obtained at The Dream Courts Quest)

Anatomy Book  Anatomy Book (can be obtained at The Dream Courts Quest)

  Omrabas' Heart (can be obtained at The Gravedigger of Drefia Quest)

White Flower White Flower (can be obtained at What a Foolish Quest)

imageVoodoo Lily Pollen (can be obtained at Krailos Quest)

Tribal Crest.gifTribal Crest  (can be obtained at Unnatural Selection Quest)

Filled Glooth Converter.gif Fille Glotth Converter (can be obtained at Oramond Quest)

Magical Paint.gif Magical Paint (can be obtained at mission The Seven Keys from Dream Courts Quest)

Painting of a Girl.gifPainting of a Girl (can be obtained at Forgotten Knoeledge Quest)

(can be obtained at Children of revolution quest - Daily Task "Collect")

  (can be obtained at Oramond Quest)

(can be obtained at Kilmaresh Quest)

by (4,451 points)
Don't the Items from kilmaresh quest disappear? :D I love this last flower, it's soooo cute! :D
by (4,336 points)
Flowers will not disappear if you cut them by using Ritual Scissors :)