+2 votes
by (5,801 points)
Straightforward question: What would be the places that you cannot see on Cyclopedia, even when you are standing right there? I noticed that this does happen sometimes in particular places in the game... The pin indicating your position will be in a location that does not show the place that you seeing with your character!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

hmm... at the moment only these places in my mind.

* Dream Courts ICE/SUN castle

* Orcsoberfest Island

* Percht Queen event Island

* Nightmare Isles 

by (5,801 points)
999 level island is also one of these cases, isn't?
by (5,689 points)
ah idk :o never been here
by (5,051 points)
Nightmare isles appear right? What It does not show is the entrance, since It changes
+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Most of the respawns that do not appear on the cyclopedia are those who are not permanent. With some exceptions ofc

  • Winter court and Summer court
  • Pirate boat (where you are sent sometimes from venore when traveling to darashia) 
  • Perch queen island and orcsoberfest island: It is the sae spawn for both events.
  • Chakota iceberg in tiquanda
  • LIberty bay Hive Outpost
  • Water elemental dungeon in outlaw camp
  • Nostalgia
  • Jungle Camp
  • Island of Realm of Dreams quest (music box)
  • Sea Serpents boat in svargrond
by (5,801 points)
we can see Nostalgia Island on Cyclopedia? Now I don't remember that, hahaha!
by (5,051 points)
u right! u cant, adding it now ^^
by (5,801 points)
Nice ^^ hm, the 999 Island isn't called shroedigner island? I thought that it was a joke due to the fact that the island is there, but actually isn't in the map officially, lol. But nice collection of pictures so far ^^ very useful
by (5,051 points)
I Haven't added any Pic of the 999 island. I actualy have no idea where that one is on the mal xD