+1 vote
by (17,406 points)

There are so many different colors for places on the Cyclopedia map, as you can see from the picture below there seems to be green, gray, pink, white, and maybe more colors I'm not sure. What do all these colors mean exactly?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,389 points)
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Best answer

Hi, the Cyclopedia map and all visible locations are linked to Measuring Tibia Quest. In this quest you are discovering Tibian world - to earn outfit, achievements, see information about creatures or upcoming raids. You can read more here: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Measuring_Tibia_Quest

Answering your question, based on my knowledge and as far as I know:

Green colour - this means area has been completely discovered

White colour - this means area wasn't discovered at all

Purple colour - this means area is in progress of being fully discovered

Gray colour - this means area is not designed for discovering - you cannot press "start discovering" OR area has been automatically discovered, e.g. Adventurer's Guild

by (5,730 points)
@Shawtay you make the quote of smth that was already on my answer... without any edit
by (17,406 points)
@ Oriibsz you are downvoting my entire question right now because I didn't pick you as the best answer? You did it out of spite obviously because there wasn't anything wrong with my question before right? This user had the first correct answer. His answer doesn't have typos in it, and your answer to me looks similar but has a lot of typos. For example, "Sub-ared" "Roorgaard" "they means" "this colour us show up" "didn't completed" Seems rushed to me but 30 minutes after his response.
by (5,730 points)
edited by
Thank you, now I can understand. English is not my native language, I'm still learning, and I just needed to know what was wrong with my answer, as that you told him what was missing and not to me.
0 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Hello Shawtay!

The colors from the Cyclopedia Map are linked to the Measuring Quest, where your job is discover all the map of Tibia.

About the colors they means:

Grey color: This one is liked all those Sub-areas that your character don't have access to, it includes part of the maps where missions are needed to enter, for example: (Furious Crater) or it requires Mini-world changes active to start discovering it, for example: ( Cake Keep Isle, Chyllfroest, Hive Secondary Structure) also is linked to all the places that you cannot access for different reasons: for example: Dawnport, Rookgaard (if you are already on the Mainland) or Isle of Destiny (since it's no longer available).

White Color: It's linked for all the areas and sub-areas that you haven't starting discovered yet, and you can easy start just selecting it by clicking above the name, as the pic below shows:

Pink Color: This color is displayed when an area begins to be discovered but is not 100% complete, and clicking on it will show the% of how much you have done so far.

Green Color: This color means the areas and subareas that you have 100% completed.

by (17,406 points)
"or also places you can't access for your level like Dawnport, Rookgaard, Isle of Destiny." I don't think it's because it's not meant for your level - rather it's just not discoverable, to begin with. But yes, it's mostly due to the fact we can't go to Rookgaard and do quest there. :)
by (5,730 points)
Yes, was an example. In fact, that color is for are all those places where you can go through it.