+3 votes
by (5,070 points)
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I know that yellow rose was and old respwn in somewhere in Tibia for sometime but I never saw images of that , so where did the roses spawn?

4 Answers

+5 votes
by (1,595 points)

I had a quick chat with old Antica players and it seems both Venore and Ab'dendriel had daily respawns of yellow roses, both previously mentioned here by other users' answers.

The one in Venore was supposed to be unreachable but a bug would make it possible for players to get it. The table where it would spawn was located north of the city in this room:


In Ab'dendriel the rose would spawn on floor +2. One would need levitate or parcels to reach it. Unfortunately I have no screenshot to exemplify but here's the location:


According to my source the yellow rose was removed 2 or 3 updates after Ab'dendriel implementation, so either version 6.4 or 6.5.

I couldn't find any information on the Fibula spawn, so I can't confirm whether that was an actual thing or not.

by (3,844 points)
Does he told why the yellow rose was removed?
So nice the see a old picture of the yellow rose spawn :D
by (1,595 points)
Unfortunately no. If I get this information I'll make sure to edit my answer and include it.
+2 votes
It used to respawn in the Venore
It used to respawn on the table, so all u had to do is pick it up from the table
(It was confirmed later that it was a bug or something so they fixed it)
Some people say you could get it from Ab Dendriel-- but idk how correct that is
+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
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Best answer

It had been rumored to have spawned somewhere in Ab'dendriel although this was never confirmed.

It could also be acquired due to a certain bug in Venore at one time, since there used to be one on display on a table there (it was removed after Updates/9.8). Nowdays they are given sometimes as Fansites Contest Prizes.

There are only about 100 yellow roses known to exist.


by (17,425 points)
I think lots of yellow roses exist now due to fansites rewarding them over the years.
+2 votes
by (3,844 points)
It used to spawn in fibula dungeon inside a box next to where you get the key to enter the deeper fibula quest but there is also rumors that it used to spawn in venore in the flower shop table and somewhere in ab’dendriel in all this places now spawn a blue rose but nothing is confirmed and there is no screenshots of this only old stories and rumors.