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by (5,796 points)

So when it is a good time to add these spells to my hunts? Is there any difference between Paladins and Knights about the utility of this spell? Or is it the same for both of them?

1 Answer

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by (7,037 points)
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  • Recovery Utura / Recovery

Mana cost to use: 75 mana poitns

Recover hit poitns: 20 hit points every 3 seconds (60 seconds in total)

Total hit poitns recover: 400 hit points

Efficiency: You healed 5.3 hit point per 1 mana points

  • Intense Recovery Utura Gran / Intense Recovery

Mana cost to use: 165 mana poitns

Recover hit poitns: 40 hit points every 3 seconds (60 seconds in total)

Total hit poitns recover: 800 hit points

Efficiency: You healed 4.8 hit point per 1 mana points

Outfit Knight Male Addon 3KnightOutfit Knight Female Addon 3

  • Compare with Wound Cleansing Wound Cleansing / Exura Ico

Wound Cleansing Wound Cleasing / Exura Ico

Mana cost to use: 40 mana poitns

Recover hitpoitns: Healing dependes on level and magic level

To compare we gonna use same mana to cast both spells or close.

Utura Gran                          Exura Ico
1X = 165 mana                      4X = 160 mana

Example: Exura Ico healing 220 hit points in average.

Efficiency: You healed 5.5 hit point per 1 mana points

Result: When you reach of average of 220 hit points healed by every Exura Ico is good idea stop using Recovery or Intense Recovery. Because you start waste more mana point per every hit points recover.

Outfit Hunter Male Addon 3PaladinOutfit Hunter Female Addon 3

  • Compare with Light Healing Light Healing / Exura

Light Healing Light Healing / Exura

Mana cost to use: 20 mana poitns

Recover hitpoitns: Healing dependes on level and magic level

To compare we gonna use same mana to cast both spells or close.

Utura Gran                          Exura
1X = 165 mana                      8X = 160 mana

Example: Exura healing 110 hit points in average.

Efficiency: You healed 5.5 hit point per 1 mana points

Result: When you reach of average of 110 hit points healed by every Exura is good idea stop using Recovery or Intense Recovery. Because you start waste more mana point per every hit points recover.

Note: To me is always good idea use Recovery or Intense Recovery when you are in places where you take DoT damage like Burning Icon Burning.

Also would like to point that you can use Recovery and other healing spells (Wound Cleasing or Intense Healing), meaning that your healing rate can be increased with the action of Recovery combined with other healing spells (worth when blocking or suffering a severe damage).

There are no difference between Paladins and Knights about the utility of this spell. Is it the same for both.
