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by (5,730 points)
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Since the Vocation Update of Nov 23th, 2020, a few new spells were added in the game, my focus of the question it's merely aimed at How these new spells of EK's can benefit TH?

Whats the best way to add them on the old rotation EK's had before the update?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

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by (2,865 points)
I added "exura med ico" as an option to use Ultimate Health Potions, I hunted using my usual rotation and healing with exura ico, but when my life went low  I healed with med ico. First I had ~30k less waste and in the second hunt I had ~40k less waste with potions. This way, my profit increased a little bit
by (5,730 points)
Thanks for you answer but I would like to see all possible benefits, including the new spells and others buff the EK got now. How they can impact in a positive way the TH.