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by (5,717 points)
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There is a bunch of people insulting others and also talking obscenities in Tibia (nowadays is much less than before) but at the same time we have professional scammers using hack links on letters... What happens when both get caught after being reported? I am thinking about the punishment here. Is the punishment for certain phrases the same at every case? A foul-mouthed receives the same punishment of a spammer? What are the possibilities of punishment here?

I am questioning about that because we currently got over that 30 possible infractions listed when you want to report a statement (!). And I am curious if a certain irritating and gross player gonna get some days off due to a offense made to me.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (6,972 points)
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Best answer

Surprisingly, the fastest for what they punish you is for things like insulting.

  • By insulting (Dont care what words you use, is the same to all), you get a notation and 90 days of Conduct Level Green (3 months).

  • By make spam is the same punish, you get a notation and 90 days of Conduct Level Green (3 months).
by (5,717 points)
good to know about that!

Hm, but hack links might mean a delete, right?
by (6,972 points)
Yes, if the spam is a hack link they got punishment by the hack link and not only by spam.
by (5,717 points)
I've reword the question in order to make it more useful and easy to understand. Thanks for the answer.