+2 votes
by (4,336 points)
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Lake Equivocolao is the only known home to the Shimmer Swimmer , but they only appear when the lake is filthy (Twisted Waters World Change). We can ask Npc Guide about "twisted waters", if he answer "The great lake near Port Hope is dirty. Shimmer swimmers can be seen under the surface." we can try to catch Shimmer Swimmer .

My questions:

How many Shimmer Swimmer can be catch in Lake Equivocolao per server ?

How many Shimmer Swimmer a single person can catch?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

Shimmer Swimmer item per character.

Once fished it will only respawn after 20/24 hours (character based time, and real life time).

50 Shimmer Swimmer item per server (50 per every Twisted Waters World Change).

  • Each player can fish only 01 Shimmer Swimmer item every 20/24 hours.
  • If the fish limit is not reached within one day, the world change will extend to later days until all fish are caught.
  • Once the maximum limit of caught fish is reached, it will not be possible to obtain even the Fishbone.gif Fishbone, even if the lake is still contaminated.
  • Tibia.fandom.com say 24 hours of cooldown.
  • Tibiawiki.com.br say 20 hours of cooldown.
by (17,406 points)
is it 20 hrs or 24 ? :o