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by (5,523 points)
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During the Twisted Waters World Change it is possible to catch a Shimmer Swimmer in Lake Equivocolao. Typically it takes 36 minutes and 40 seconds (2200 seconds) for a tile to respawn a fish after being fished (source). Also, from the same source it mentions it takes 15 minutes or 900 seconds for the fish to respawn while Ice Fishing.

I was wondering if one of these are the same amount of time when fishing Lake Equivocolao or does it have its own timer? The lake is small enough that even with one person you could probably catch fish bones from every SQM of the lake within this time period if you were unlucky enough to not catch your Shimmer Swimmer by then.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (58 points)

It is over 30 minutes for these tiles, so likely the same 36 minutes. That being said, it would be very rare to fish every single tile in the lake without getting a shimmer swimmer. Things to note while doing this achievement would be;

  • Fish one sqm until you get trash before moving on to the next
  • If you are fishing and getting nothing, it is likely that that all of the shimmer swimmers have been taken by others and the world change is over (which you will see at the next server save)
  • On average it takes 30-40 sqm to get a shimmer swimmer

I found the easiest spot to get the achievement was to sit on the left side of the lake, and start 1 sqm at a time from the bottom left all the way up in lines.

by (2,426 points)
" the world change is over (which you will see at the next server save)" you don't have to wait for the Server Save, you can ask the NPC there and his reply will be different (I'm not sure of the exact dialog now).