+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
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Hello guys!
Since x2 respawn and x4 respawn came into Tibia I got a doubt about sharing exp on teamhunt.

For example before there wasnt worth to hunt in team of 8 people (2 vocations of each) where you get theoretically the 100% bonus as hunting with 4 but there wasnt enough respawn to do that in a worthy way. But now with the x4 respawn on places like Prison -3 or Catacombs or feru seals is that worth? Does the system works equal as 4 vocs hunting on team??

Example: lets say a team of 4 vocs witht he 100% bonus kills 40 monster per minute , and each monsters gives 1000 exp to each one , so you will get in one minute 40000exp.

Now lets do the same experiment but with 5 people on the team, so now lets say that with 5 people we kill 60 monsters per minute so now instead of winning 1000 exp each one you will get 750exp per monster so in one minute you do 45000 exp that is more so is worth to do it on that way.

by (5,070 points)
I saw the question but I still dont know what happens if team is 8 players 4 vocs of each and if it is worth now to do that on x4 respwns , sry , Im trying to be the clearest I can
by (5,070 points)
Example: lets say a team of 4 vocs witht he 100% bonus kills 40 monster per minute , and each monsters gives 1000 exp to each one , so you will get in one minute 40000exp.

Now lets do the same experiment but with 5 people on the team, so now lets say that with 5 people we kill 60 monsters per minute so now instead of winning 1000 exp each one you will get 750exp per monster so in one minute you do 45000 exp that is more so is worth to do it on that way.
by (1,534 points)
this question was bumped due now ppl use 2 ms right?

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (181 points)
In every spawn I've tried 5-man (issavi/soulwar/library) the exp has been less.
However the exp difference is only 10-15% (raw) and you have an entire extra person making experience.

Issavi surface seems to be the best for this as with an extra person you can lure more creatures and they are able to stick to the ek/rp box easier, which means 5-man is only 5-10% less exp if done correctly.

The trade-off can definitely be worth it if you're not worried about min/maxing, but instead want a more safe/chill hunt and want to include another friend.

I haven't ever seen an example where a 5-man+ is making more exp than a 4-man party.
0 votes
by (148 points)
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Best answer
No, it would not be worth it to hunt with 8 people. you would not get more exp, because it is for each unique vocation, so you get the best xp with 4 people of different vocs, and you start to lose xp per kill after this point. so even in somewhere like prison you would be doing a very efficient hunt, but would not get much exp. you are still better off hunting with just 4 people of 4 unique vocations. hope this is what was asked.
by (5,070 points)
edited by
Yes , thank you that was my question, I asked it because I saw on some threads that you get an extra of 10% exp for each player addition from 4 people.

Also my question includes the factor of x4 respwn, because I was hunting on prison -3 with x4 respwn and we couldnt kill all respwn and we were like 5kk/h and I was thinking if with more people in the team if we could get more exp, I mean you will get less exp because is more people to share but you will kill more monsters and faster , and I was asking if it is worth now to make team biggers than 4... I dont understand the down vote :/
by (2,564 points)
You are not exactly losing exp. The exp per kill is still the same, it's just spread between more people.
by (1,534 points)
while what bust says hold some true, what violent beams imply could be applied to prison and perhaps u  guys could do exactly the same exp or a bit less but killing more mobs (5 players, more kills per hour, less exp per mob) which could compensate.

that said, it could be worth to say that if you for example have a team of friends, or trustful ppl who you want to climb with you may consider this as a suitable way to PG, specially if you guys are planning for example do daily bosses and 5-man content, anything bigger than 5 player probably isn't any worth on exp at all.
0 votes
by (60 points)
I Saw that in library there was a team of 6 and they said that since x4 resp they make more exp with bigger teams since they kill more and faster and they make in total more exp, maybe this is new meta