+4 votes
by (88 points)
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Instead of leveling up I like to take advantage of this event by killing monsters for the bestiary that I never hunt, to do it fast. So far these are the ones that I think that I would never be able to do without rapid respawn

*Nomad (Blue)

*Bog Frog



*Isle of evil creatures

*White shade


Any suggestions?

7 Answers

+3 votes
by (148 points)
Brain deaths are a good one. along with stuff like honor guards that don't have actual spawns.  And a good thing to do is throw down firebombs on a spawn then go do something else for 10 min.
+1 vote
by (5,070 points)
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Best answer

I have already 5 Charms done , the biggest tip I can give to you is to kill everything , I mean when you are not hunting or doing anything just go to a random spawn and kill some monsters , if you do that every day you will get charms points easy.

There is also some tricks like this on 10x respwn haha

Wasp bestiary done in 8 min with firebombs haha.

I found a spreadsheet of some charms which I think it will be very helpful for you , check it :)


Also there is a video that is so nice about how to bestiary on rapid respwn:


Hope it helps! regards

0 votes
by (5,796 points)

I guess that Rats, Amazons, Swamp Trolls, Frost Trolls, and Valkyries can be a good choice, along with severe other locations of different creatures that are concentrate on a place, specially on the Free Mainland Area, with small area respawns. Hellgate spawns can be worth it as well. Try to do what @Bust the Werriors said above, and throw fire bombs on many holes with these mentioned creatures. It will certainly help you out

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
Black Sheep - Liberty Bay

Pigs-Sheeps - Thais

Butterflys - Porthope

Rats/Cave Rats - Thais

Bear/Wolves - Thais/Kazz

Merklin - Banuta
0 votes
by (160 points)
You can try to spawn Crustacea Gigantica in Oramond killing Abyssal Calamary until you get 5 kills of crustaceas, depend on luck you have to wait 5h+ but are 50 charms "easy"
0 votes
by (287 points)
I would highly recommend visiting Oramond Quaras.

To be precise, they only appear during raids (but few times a day I guess?) and raids last 30(?) minutes.

But if you gather a team of 5 people, you can get really decent amount of charm points in short time:

- Quara Predator Scout

- Quara Hydromancer Scout

- Quara Pincher Scout

- Quara Constrictor Scout

- Blood Beast

- Devourer

- Glooth Blob

- Rot Elemental

In total you can get there 200 Charm Points.
by (6,736 points)
These monsters are so easy to make without rapid. You should focus on something that spawns in a way lower amount.
0 votes
by (6,736 points)
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  • You can use Rapid Respawn to complete rare bestiary items. A good example is Crustacea Gigantica, which alternate respawn system on Sunken Lands on Oramond is affected by the event.
  • During Rapid Respawn, complete monsters that are low in number, even on their largest respawn, for example: squirrels, black sheep, white sheep, pigs, etc.
  • Hibernal Moth/Lacewing Moth, unless you are hunting in these areas. These two monsters always remain, even though all other monsters present there have already been completed, so it is worth paying some attention to them.
  • Terrified Elephants, and Insectoid Scouts - two monsters occurring depending on the world change, without rapid respawn it takes ages to complete them.
  • Pirate Corsair - it's worth checking to see if a pirate ship crashed in the north of Krailos during the rapid respawn weekend, it really sifts our task,
  • Deepling Brawler - respawns in a small amount,
  • Warzones 1-3 especially the monsters found there in the smallest numbers, which we will not complete that easily by killing the way while doing daily warzone bosses,
  • Moles - trapping Chasm Spawns and running only to kill moles is also a way to spend time during rapid respawn,
  • If you mentioned Nomad (Blue), it is also worth mentioning Nomad (female), which is even more difficult to complete without an event,
  • Shaburak/Askarak Demons, especially the strongest Lords.

Although the examples I've given are already quite numerous, I feel that I could list such monsters endlessly. But I'll try instead to describe them in a more general way: use Rapid Respawn Weekend to complete also those monsters you don't hunton a daily basis, whose respawn is insufficient to complete them smoothly.
